Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cagnotti was credible, said his alleged victim - translated from Le Droit - June 6 2012

Enrico Cagnotti was credible in his role as a wealthy businessman. His ex-girlfriend , who would be his last known victim of fraud, never thought that the man of 54 years old did not own boat last summer.  She had previously had a relationship with a "real" wealthy man in the U.S, and could easily compare the two lifestyles.

The victim and Enrico Cagnotti had known each other on a social networking site before they met in June 2011.  Cagnotti, a notorious fraudster posed as a big player in in the field of security, real estate and entertainment - he said he knew many stars -, and today is accused of having extracted more than $10,000 in a few weeks from his victim.  The woman had accepted the man in her life, hosting in her cottage in Manawaki at its expense.

Cagnotti, according to the crown, had presented a statement to his wife at the time.  The paper, written by hand said that Revenue Canada would pay him $38 million in his account, following a misunderstanding of its money receipts.

Acts of Violence

The victim, a woman whom we will retain the anominity of, is the key witness in the fraud trial of her ex-boyfriend, which continued yesterday in the courthouse in Gatineau.

The woman had explained how violence had seeped into their relationship in a short time, between June and July of last year.  In addition to the $10,000 drawn, Enrico Cagnotti had undertaken renovations to the cottage of the woman, using another $6,000 that was not his.

The defense counsel, Nathalie Ferland, received the evidence against the accused on April 27.  She requested more time to prepare against examination in light of "new elements" from the testimony of the alleged victim.

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