Monday, February 29, 2016




Calikeen said...

Hey he uses the system, it's winter he has a roof over his head and free food. Let's hope he rots in there.

conwarn/Enrico Cagnotti said...

Let's hope!!

Calikeen said...

Enrico Cagnotti will plead guilty to theft over 5,000 breach of court order, breach of probation and about 20 other charges. This plea will be taking place on March 17th 2016 at 10am at the Milton court house. He should be sentenced at the same time. I urge anyone that has anything to do with this man show some strength and attend, the more people the judge see the better. He needs to be stopped before anyone else gets hurt he needs to learn that its not ok to do what he does. We are all invisible show some support can you imagine the look on his face when he has to face us. I know of at least 3 women that will be showing up.

Yvette Rochelle Pritchard said...
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bb said...

Happy birthday March 17th. ......anyone know the number of the old" Jane Street Manson. " love to see it ...pls