Enrico Cagnotti is on FACEBOOK with a picture of a classy man in a tuxedo holding a drink in his hand. A picture of this drink holding man is in allready posted on this blog. Please scoll down to see it. The above picture of the real Enrico Cagnotti in bicycle shorts (how attractive...NOT), is the real person all of you ladies on FACEBOOK are acutually speaking with. He is the actual moron asking for nude pictures. He is the actual CONMAN pretending to be wealthy. He is the acutal jerk adding YOU to his FACEBOOK page through POKER.
In the past, Enrico has professed to all of YOU LADIES that this is ANOTHER Enrico Cagnotti. This is proof that the FAKE Enrico Cagnotti, the one with the picture of the classy man holding a dring IS IN FACT THE ABOVE PERSON! Please undersatand, the above Enrico Cagnotti (the one in the polyester shiny matchy matchy outfit), is a CONMAN! He is a CRIMINAL! He is a WANTED man, (not by any desirable, young, attractive, intelligent woman), but WANTED by the POLICE in ONTARIO CANADA. He is not in ITALY, he is in CANADA. The above picture is an older picture as Enrico Cagnotti is now old and greying, just take a look at the POLICE PICTURE ON THE BLOG!! Some of you have been forwarned by a woman who used to be a "friend" on Enrico Cagnotti's FACEBOOK page, but for some reason, have continued to be his friend. ENRICO CAGNOTTI IS A DANGEROUS MAN...BLOCK HIM IMMEDIATELY AND STAY AWAY FROM HIM. IF you notice, some of Enrico Cagnotti's friends' names are on both pages, proving they are THE SAME MAN! THIS PROOF HAS BEEN SENT TO THE POLICE! ONCE AGAIN, CONWARN URGES ALL WOMEN ON ENRICO CAGNOTTI"S FACEBOOK PAGE TO IMMEDIATELY BLOCK HIM AND REPORT HIM TO THE POLICE IN TORONTO CANADA. THERE ARE TWO PHONE NUMBERS FOR THE POLICE ON THIS BLOG.
Well now we have gone to far posting family members.
Oh and just to let you know. This is not Enrico. Let's get this very clear. So be prepared for law suits. Ciao sta puttana.
Give it up EN RI CO . . .we ALL know it's you. LOL!!! And PETER PAN??? REALLY? You should have picked a character that's more like you . .. hmmm let me thinkg . . . oh yes. . . HUMPTY DUMPTY!!!! That's more like it.
And PLEAAAASSSEE . . . bring it on . . . so many empty threats. As I recall, you threatened legal action in your March posts . . . what's the matter . . . can't find a lawyer. Oh wait, that's right . . . you have a lawyer . . . a criminal defence lawyer!!! I can't believe you haven't learned anything in your 55 years of life. Was your father's death not an epiphany for you? (look it up in the dictionary) Dressed in your prison uniform in jail while you're father was being buried! Such a waste of a life you are . . . you're pathetic.
Progressing with all your comments. Believe what you wish. I will be the last one to have the last laugh. Remember that. Ciao sta puttana. Look that one up. Ciao
Noone is wasting their time with looking anything up. None of us really care what you have to say. We all just think you are a joke a pathetic joke. By the way, when you are standing in the prisoner's box, we will be the one's having the last laugh, and we will all be there to bask in the glory. It's only a matter of time...it always is!!!!!!!!!
Enrico (aka Peter Pan),
You are reinforcing the fact that you are a pathetic, pathological liar by constantly threatening to post pictures, prepare lawsuits, close this factual blog down - empty, empty threats just like your empty, empty life. You have got to be the stupidest person I have ever had the misfortune to meet. The women who access this site do so to find out who the creepy guy they have been communicating with really is. And you are busted - both visually (your ugly face is plastered all over this blog and attached police bulletin) and personally (your habits and MO are well documented here).
Enrico, everyone knows you have no skills which would enable you to get a job so you have to use whatever you have (your foul mouth and disgusting mafia threats) to steal money from people. You think you are good - if you were, you wouldn't have spent the better part of 15 years in prison.
Plus, this is directly about you Enrico Cagnotti - not any other person who (unfortunately) share your surname. I would be embarrassed to have you as a family member and I am sure they are trying to find a way to disassociate themselves with you or perhaps change their name.
First of all let's get your facts straight. Enrico never spent 15 years in Jail. second miss know it all its seems you have feelings for the man. interesting. now I personally believe you should get a life...and if he had ties in the mod. well you be with the fish. so stop making all your false allegations.....and believe what you wish. This is not Enrico. ciao Troia. and if you don't understand what it means. ask someone Italian. lol.
Enrico Cagnotti has not spent 15years in jail CONSECUTIVELY that is...but it is more like 30 years!
Awaiting a call back from the police to confirm how many years this jerk has acutually spent in jail, on and off.
YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - noone one has any feelings for Enrico Cagnotti accept for the kind that makes you want to vomit and some of us have no feelings at all.
Get over yourself..oh wait, you can't because you are a narcissist...AND YOU LOOK THAT UP.
You are such a narcissist in fact, that you continue to reply to people on a blog that is associated with the eyes of the police.
We all know how much you hate JAIL.
YOU kick up such a fuss...pretend to have heart attacks so you can be rushed to the hospital buying more time so you don`t have to put in a holding cell, you complain like a baby that the cuffs are hurting your wrist...boo hoo...you have even put yourself in a mental institution just to avoid jail...yet you keep adding your 2 cents that one day a judge will read...and respond by saying what all judges have said in the past...you are a PARASITE.
You cannot hurt any of us with your words...they are empty...but obviously OUR words seem to be bothering you as you cannot seem to stop yourself from responding.
Keep up the good work...and remember you moron, as someone has allready stated...electronic information lives in perpetuity,not that you would ever understand this comment.
Furthermore, noone is saying you have ties to the MAFIA...just that you pretend to have ties to the MAFIA...once again...you did not understand the comment probably because you cannot read as well as write.
Here is my reply to you for the final time. This is not Enrico. And please be so kind to find a man. Because you are a dog. Oh sorry that's to good for you. And as for Enrico he has done nothing wrong and about his mother. She died as of May the 1st it will be 3 years. So go get your facts straight. Bimbo.
UPDATE: Enrico Cagnotti has two other facebook sites under the names Enrico Cags and Enrico DePaolis. The Enrico Cags site has his real picture on it – the ugly one in his bicycle shorts – just like the original Enrico Cagnotti site which launched with this picture as well (you can see it here). Proof that they are the same person. (Nice try Enrico.)
Do not send any of these Enrico's (or any Enrico for that matter) any intimate pictures of yourself as he will use them against you. He is a sick individual with a warped mind. This is his new ploy to get money from you! Be aware of this.
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