Monday, June 8, 2009

Loser Cagnotti to be released from jail this week

Enrico Cagnotti is to be released from custody this week. Where he will go is going to be a mystery. His cottage/home in Tiny Beaches will probably be even more of a wreck than it allready was, but wait...Cagnotti might have met some poor woman on line, a dating site perhaps and is heading her way.
I know what you are all thinking...his lengthy stay behind bars was due to his predator behaviour, hunting for victims on Plenty Of Fish, so how could this happen? Well, Enrico did not have his priveledges taken away...I think he should have but let's wait and see what happens.
Here is the possible and likely scenario. He finds a woman (single parent bla bla bla) and has been wooing her telling her is is busy flying around the world as a test pilot or he is busy at work in Italy for his "Uncle" the Mafia boss, or he is busy at work in Mexico with his hotel business, or maybe he has added something new to his repertoire. He tells her he is flying in to meet her this week (little does she know, he is being released after being in jail since last July), and of course she is very excited. What happens when they meet...well, Cagnotti has no place to live so his sights are allready set on living with her...and he probably will get his way. This allows him to live in a home with walls (not just dry wall like his cottage), and floors, and working toilets, but at the same time, his new home allows him to stay hidden from the police. We all know, it will be only a matter of time before Enrico Cagnotti will be behind bars again, where he belongs.
So, if you are the woman who has the misfortune of calling Enrico Cagnotti your new boyfriend, or whatever he is calling himself these days and especially if you have met him on an online dating site, call the police but do not let him know. He is not supposed to be on ANY dating sites besides which, he is a conman and will be conning you out of your money. This way, the police will know where to find him and pick him up to arrest him or chase him as he runs away like a little girl.
Please read the rest of this blog to get confirmation that this parasite is a loser and not the man he so desires to be and will never be.


Anonymous said...

Just an addition to note that Cagnotti has also been know to use the dating sites LavaLife and E-Harmony and NOT JUST Plenty of Fish dating site and he will be back online without a doubt. Beware women...don't let him fool you into losing all your earthly possessions!

Peter Pan ? said...
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Peter Pan ? said...

Well all i can say about the man he does have a problem but I truly believe the women that he dated have more of a problem then he has.....also i will state this, a person that calls a person a Loser is a bigger one,,,,,also about the house well i have been there and it is very nice before you state something you should drop

conwarn/Enrico Cagnotti said...

O.K Enrico!!

Peter Pan ? said...
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Peter Pan ? said...

Well I have come to interest to place this about the loser that has no life and keeps placing BS about Enrico.....So I will comment on the loser that keeps placing these posting.....I truly believe that she is the loser and con also we do know who you are and i will only say this to you....this is going to stop....Now about the shack....interesting that the loser state what was 5 years ago...I can only say that the house is very lovely, it has white siding it also has lovely hardwood flooring, a new bathroom that is very lovely, a new kitchen and many other the loser that has no life is only telling BS stories about a man that are not I will only say this.....get a life and watch out for your Blog that will be shown here within the next few days and yes pictures of you will be posted and comments from other men will also comment about this Loser and number 1 B---h.....Oh this is not Enrico, this is Peter Pan someone that knows you.

Peter Pan 2nd said...

Well Peter Pan the 2nd is back.....Now some interesting information about 2 women 1 Y P the other D J...please stay tuned in for some very and I mean very interesting info and pictures of these 2

notadumbgirl said...

I was also a ‘victim’ of this man. Luckily I wasn’t fooled for long, and he didn’t get anything of real value from me. I wish I had seen this blog when all of this was happening as I would have definitely come forward to police.
At one point I did search for his alias (the name I knew him as) to see if I would find anything about him online, hoping that maybe he’d been caught. I was beyond happy when I read this blog and all of the articles on his arrest, sentencing, etc.

I heard all of the same malicious lies as the rest of you…he owned restaurants, cars, beautiful homes, was tied to the mafia (which he used in a feeble attempt to intimidate me, it lasted about 24 hours, then I went from scared, to p**sed off!) He was going to fix some things in my home, buy me a car (a bmw, lucky me!!), a new house (he even started negotiating price with the seller!!!). He lived on his phone, and it was constantly ringing, and it always seemed legitimate. He would speak in Italian to his ‘godfather’ (so I never had a clue what he was saying). He obviously had a great deal of experience in lying, cheating, conning and just being a despicable individual.
What goes around, comes around.

As a side note.. “Peter Pan” who is commenting here has distinctly similar writing patterns (and the same shit grammar/spelling) as Enrico… interesting indeed.

Peter Pan ? said...
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conwarn/Enrico Cagnotti said...

Hi notadumbgirl,
Glad you did not get terribly hurt from Enrico or Peter Pan as I too believe the rant is similar to his style including his crappy ability to spell. Why he feels the need to comment just proves his narcissitic personality disorder. You should still call the police...why not! Maybe you can help put him back in favorite home for him!

Peter Pan ? said...

Well Well Well....interesting ....well as Peter Pan 2nd .. once again not Mr E I would like to state this.....such feelings for this man I will only state this.... The Cagnotti family is a very big Family and you can see that on i will only say, they all know who you are and this is making a few family memebers very upset and like I stated in my past post....i would concerd dropping this all and move on with life....Oh if you have one....look at are the true before this gets out of hand as Peter Pan 2nd not Mr E.. i will give you some advise.....there is also another Enrico Cagnotti and at this point he is speaking with the legal Dept of Google and is looking at having this person charged.....So once again Yvette or Deborah i would concerd moving on with life if you have one and it seems to me you do not have one.....also about the shack....sorry it looks more like a little drive by like you tend to do so from time to time.....oh and my grammer....sorry i'm from Italy and my english might not be all that great but i am able to get my message across to the readers of this site.....So like we say in Italy... poeple that have more class then all.....Bona Sera..and we are aware who you are....Ciao lol

victim no more said...

Oooh, it appears we have angered the cowardly little Peter Pan.
So much so, he trots out his 'family' card like it has any credibility at all. We all know he has no connection to the mafia - he is too much of an imbecile. I have had numerous dealings with Enrico and know he is a pathological liar and incessant jailbird. He must love to spend time behind bars - maybe he has a lot of 'friends' there.
To Peter Pan/Enrico, you really should get a life yourself and stop lying, conning, intimidating and try to be a man - I know it would be difficult for you.

Peter Pan ? said...

Oh I see you have come out from under the rock you have been hiding from...or the bed rooms and once again i am not try i see i have touched a button....hmmmmm.....iteresting once again a very close friend of yours has been keeping me up to date with you.....hmmm....and some of your pictures are in the works on being posted......we will see who has the last laugh.....once again...Peter Pan 2nd not Enrico....also you should get your facts straight....and also spend more time on your back end looks alot better then your face.....ciao

victim no more said...

Methinks thou dost protest too much!

Enrico - I know you don't get it. Don't even try to figure this one out - it is way, way beyond your limited intellect!

BTW - this is not Yvette or Deborah but someone else who has had to deal with your deceit and ugliness (inside and out).

conwarn/Enrico Cagnotti said...

Peter Pan;
This is a blog to inform potenial victims of Enrico Cagnotti of his criminal behaviour and to save them the heartache of his immoral ways. I have checked with the police many times and have been informed that everything written is the truth and of public record. It also a forum for Enrico Cagnotti's past victims to express themselves and qualify their feelings and to let them know that they are not alone. Conwarn has the power to block all of 'your' messages but have chosen not to do so for a handful of reasons. If there is any legal ramifications, it is on your part not conwarns. Please govern yourself or selves accordingly.

victim no more said...

FYI: On facebook Enrico Cagnotti has placed a 'generic' image. The image you see on this blog is the real Enrico Cagnotti. Much older, much less sophisticated and without a dime to his name.

Peter Pan ? said...

WELL PETER PAN 2ND WANTS ONLY TO STATE THIS.......GET A LIFE WENCH AND MOVE ON IN LIFE....We all know who you are and you have been around the tables alot...if you understand what im stating.....we can only stste one other must have great feelings for the man......SO you should learn to put things to rest....PETER PAN 2ND....AND ONCE AGAIN NOt and I state not .....Enrico

conwarn/Enrico Cagnotti said...

to victim no more;
Actually, there is another picture on Enrico's my count, that makes 2 different pictures. Each pic is of a classy, handsome man depicting wealth. It is getting harder and harder for Enrico to show his face to new women or potential victims at the end of the day. In his sick, warped, feeble mind, these images are how he sees himself represented to women. Also he is aging and at the rate of his prison time lately he becomes fatter and fatter...not attractive in the least.
To Peter Pan; you have no place on this blog and in time I can excitedly say you will see that. Every time you feel the need to comment, I feel the need to pass this by the police.

chipmunk said...

I'm the lastest almost victim but caught it in time. Everything these women are saying it's true.
We went on our first date and he never left. He always had an excuse that seemed to be justifiable. He apparently has many jobs in contruction like an architect, site supervisor etc., and is always working on a site conveniently where you live. Watch out for the Mercedes Benz, Trump towers, ConDrain, Green Park, these will all come up in conversation at some point. Along with his "cottage" in Tiny township and his house that he suddenly sold right before he met you. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask, I will be happy to help.

Can't escape Karma said...

His place in Tiny Township is a farce . . . it's a shack that I wouldn't even let my pets stay in.
Along with having sold a home just before you met him, he will also pretend to be in the market for a new home. He will show you houses he is interested in, call the agent and take you for a walk through, even go as far as putting in a FAKE offer. DON'T be fooled!!!! Ask to see a driver's licence, car ownership, credit card, etc... He owns nothing, nada, niente, zip!!! In addition, my dear sisters . . . I will leave you with this thought to ponder should you ever meet him face-to-face . . . why would a man who professes to be independently wealthy not spend some of his loads of money to fix his yellow, misaligned teeth!

bb said...
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bb said...
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chipmunk said...

omg that pisses me off

bb said...
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chipmunk said...

I'm not sure if he was married ,he did tell me he has a daughter,always talking to her on phone all those fake calls

bb said...
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chipmunk said...

sounds like a loser family like him,he stole all my money charged my credit card over 6 thous im still pissed

bb said...
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chipmunk said...

That was in 2009 /10 than I went to court he was put in jail

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conwarn/Enrico Cagnotti said...

He supposedly was married to a woman named Dorothy. They had a daughter named Tania Louise Cagnotti. They have been divorced for quite some time.

I will confirm next week if he is still in jail!

chipmunk said...

nothing is gonna stop this jerk,wht they let him out to do this again is beyond me

bb said...
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chipmunk said...

sounds like a winner family i heard of the house in king city when he showed me it was sold

bb said...
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chipmunk said...

no idea just did a drive by,dont know a thing about his family

bb said...

Did you get fooled for how long ?? Whos next ???

chipmunk said...

It took a few weeks thank god for my brother who saw straight through him he showed up with the cops

bb said...

Smart brother

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conwarn/Enrico Cagnotti said...

The house in King was def a tear down! The pool was disgusting and unkempt as was the house. There was some land and the house did face Jane. Cannot remember the number. They lost the house due to all kinds of leans including property tax default among leans from Enrico's criminal ways - ie lawyers, car rentals etc.

chipmunk said...

wow im not surprised

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chipmunk said...

i dont remember it was yrs ago.he lied so much,i cant believe hes getting out to do this again

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bb said...

I kinda felt sorry for jhim but IKnow ????